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Aquarbe imparts its educational program ‘Aqualogía’ in the schools of El Astillero

School children in five schools of the municipality have learned the importance of taking care of the water and the environment

The educational program ‘Aqualogia’, whose aim is to contribute to raise awareness among children of primary school age of the importance of taking care of the water and the environment, educate them in the knowledge of the natural and urban cycles of water, and encourage responsible consumption habits of this resource as vital, was taught recently at the schools of El Astillero. This program started the 11th of April at the Ramon y Cajal School and finished last Thursday, at José Ramón Sánchez School.


Children in a classroom taking part in an Aqualogía workshop.


Hand in hand with the characters of Aqualogia ( three children, a grandfather and a tap) and through simple experiments school children have learned in a fun way how the water arrives to their houses, the different uses of water, what treatments we must do in order to be able to drink it or return it to the natural environment and, also, the importance of not disposing wet wipes down the toilet, as they cause serious problems in the sewerage network.